Insurance Blog & Insights

Top 10 Tips to Save on Your Insurance Costs

We recently wrote you about insurance companies seeking rate increases through the New Jersey rate regulatory process. This phenomenon is not isolated to New Jersey; it is…

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New Jersey Insurance Rate Increases

It is likely that you have received notice from your insurance company that they intend to file a rate increase with the State of New Jersey. Why are you receiving this notice? In…

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Understanding the New Federal Standards on Employee Classification

The landscape of employee classification has witnessed a significant shift as of March 11, 2024, with the introduction of new Federal Standards under the Fair Labor Standards Act…

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The Imperative of ADA Compliance: Ensuring Inclusivity in the Digital Age

Imagine navigating the internet without the ability to see, hear, or use a mouse. This is a daily struggle for millions of people with disabilities. However, with the advent of…

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Business Insurance Registration In Raritan Township, Hunterdon County

New Jersey Governor Murphy signed P.L. 2022, c.92 on August 5, 2022. Under this new state law, it is now illegal for any business or owner of a rental unit not to have liability…

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What You Need to Know About Increasing Inflation Rates and Insurance

We are seeing the effects of high inflation in every aspect of our lives. Certainly, we are impacted by higher prices in food, energy, and consumer goods. Combined with the…

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Business Insurance Registration Required in New Jersey

Until recently, there was no requirement under New Jersey (or Federal for that matter) law requiring a business owner to purchase Liability Insurance. This all changed when New…

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What is an Additional Insured Endorsement

It seems an almost normal course of business these days to be asked to name a contractor, vendor, landlord, or other business associate as an additional insured on your liability…

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Ten Tips for Proper Cyber Hygiene

I like lists. Lists help me stay organized and help me break big, overwhelming things into bite-size pieces I can get done. One of the big, overwhelming things facing business…

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What To Do When You Have a Claim?

It is never fun to have an insurance claim. Even with the best insurance coverage and a responsive agent to help you (like us), you will face a certain degree of aggravation,…

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Personal Umbrella Policies: What You Need To Know

A Personal Umbrella policy is the best and least expensive way to purchase high limits of liability protection. However, this is one of the least understood policies by the…

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How Much Liability Insurance Is Enough?

Liability insurance is what you purchase to protect you, or your business entity, from the allegations of injury from a third party. Luckily, most of us have not had a worst-case…

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