Business Insurance Registration In Raritan Township, Hunterdon County
New Jersey Governor Murphy signed P.L. 2022, c.92 on August 5, 2022. Under this new state law, it is now illegal for any business or owner of a rental unit not to have liability insurance. The New Jersey law has left the implementation and enforcement of this new law to the local municipality. Previously, there was no requirement under New Jersey (or Federal for that matter) law requiring a business owner to purchase Liability Insurance.
Flemington Borough in Hunterdon County, New Jersey introduced their local ordinance to implement this registration provision last fall. If you own a business or a rental unit(s) in Flemington Borough, you need to complete a registration and provide them with proof of insurance.
Recently, Raritan Township in Hunterdon County, New Jersey has issued regulations for their local ordinance to implement the State law. For Raritan Township, you will need a certificate of insurance and to register with the Township. They have an online portal to upload your certificate, complete your registration, and pay your $20 registration fee.
Because of the overlap in zip codes and mailing addresses between the Borough of Flemington, Raritan Township, and parts of several other townships, we are unable to quickly identify our clients located in Raritan Township.
If you are located in Raritan Township and own a business or own rental units (of any kind), please contact us so we can provide you with an insurance certificate that you can use for your business registration.
Please call us at the office or reach out to us here. We need to know the following information to issue these certificates:
- The name of the business (or owner of the rental unit).
- The location or address of the business or rental unit.
- The township or borough where the unit or business is located.
We are here to help you manage your business and personal insurance program. Please feel free to contact us anytime if you have questions regarding the matters discussed in this article or on any aspect of your insurance plan.